Education ICTs in times of COVID-19. Importance and long-term vision


The objective of this work was to guide the implementation of policies to strengthen the response capacity of the education systems of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) during and after the health emergency. The present study was developed through five themes: COVID-19 in Latin America and Spain; digital divides; interaction and support in distance education; challenges for teachers in the use of ICT; and long-term prospects in education (digital skills). Likewise, this research focuses on the analysis of a set of digital scientific articles, using technological tools: SpringerOpen, Crossref, Academic Google, Redalyc and Scielo. The importance of the work lies in recognizing that educational realities are not the same in all countries, which leads to a constant self-assessment of both the educational institution and the teacher to implement, execute and evaluate the educational process that the educational society requires. Distance education allows to bring knowledge to all levels in different geographical areas, we are aware that to take advantage of the myriad of advantages, the educational system, society and the teacher must know about new technologies; therefore, be trained to take advantage of their capabilities.

Keywords: ICT; distance education; online learning; COVID-19.


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How to Cite
ÁLVAREZ CARRASCOM. A., RUIZ ROMEROJ. E., ROJAS HERNÁNDEZL. E., ZAVALETA PAREDESJ. I., BECERRA AREDOG. K., & AGUILAR GALLARDOI. (2020). Education ICTs in times of COVID-19. Importance and long-term vision. Scientific Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 1(1), 9-17. Retrieved from //